




This group provides organization and advocacy under the bylaws of Washington State PTA. This means they have a voice, membership, and communications that are independent of the district.

  • The district and SpEd PTSA Board have regularly scheduled points of engagement throughout the year.
  • 董事会由西雅图学生教师联谊会会员提名和选举产生.
  • 想要参与,请联系 西雅图特殊教育局.


  • This group works collaboratively on systemic issues affecting special education.
  • 特别教育司每年主持和计划五至十次会议.
  • SEAAC members apply and are selected by the district; members serve as volunteers.

This volunteer committee was created in 2006 to advise 正规买足球的App leadership and staff on issues of 特殊教育. 委员会将由30名学生组成, 父母/监护人/家庭成员, 社区领袖, 社区组织代表和正规买足球的App的工作人员.



I. Charge

The Superintendent of 正规买足球的App will establish a 特殊教育 Advisory and Advocacy Council and seeks to appoint members who are dedicated to the improvement of education al programs, policies and procedures for children who have disabling conditions and need specialized educational services.


正规买足球的App is committed to a high quality education for all children. We are dedicated to providing a learning environment that inspires and supports all of our students. We know that the meaningful involvement of parents and supportive community agencies is a very important part of attaining that level of excellence, 尤其是对我们的残疾儿童. Parent input may be gathered prior to, during, and following programmatic decisions and activities.

The special Education Advisory and Advocacy Council provides a district-recognized forum for the parent community and agencies that support children with disabilities. The primary responsibility of the 特殊教育 Advisory and Advocacy Council is to provide 正规买足球的App with parental and community agency perspectives on special education programs including current operation and management, policies, 修改建议, 未来的计划, and goals. The 特殊教育 Advisory and Advocacy Council will present its recommendations and opinions in a report on an annual basis, 更经常的是按要求, 学生服务主任. The annual report will include a review of all projects and activities of the council, 以及委员会的所有建议.


A. Number

The council will include up to twenty members appointed by the Superintendent or his designee. A minimum of two-thirds of the members will be parents of children with disabilities currently enrolled in a special education program in 正规买足球的App. 理事会的其余成员将包括员工代表, 机构人员, 民间团体, college or university personnel and/or members from other groups who have an interest in the education of children with disabilities.

B. 资格及甄选准则

父/家庭成员 will have a student currently attending 正规买足球的App. 居住在该区的个人应优先考虑.

工作人员代表可包括, 但不限于, 证书的老师, 大楼管理员, 教学助理和中央办公室职员/行政人员.

社区代表可以担任教育部门的职务, service government or not-for-profit organizations/associations with an interest in and knowledge of special education. A representative of the organization should be nominated by the executive director or senior manager of the organization.

Appointments to the council will be made so that collectively the group will represent the diverse population of 正规买足球的App in terms of ethnicity, language, race, gender, 性取向, 社会经济地位, 家庭类型(单亲), 寄养/亲属关系), 城市内的地理位置, 和学校水平(pK-12).

C. 选择过程

  1. 提名截止日期:___________,邮箱:____________
  2. 由审查委员会审查的提名:_________至_______. Members of the review committee will be appointed by the 助理教与学总监 and is likely to include:
    • 助理教与学总监
    • 特殊教育服务主任
    • 特殊教育主管
    • 大学代表
    • 咨询老师
    • 家长代表
    • 特殊教育监察专员.检讨委员会推荐委任及候补总监

No one may serve on the committee who has a financial interest in the outcome of the recommendations made by the committee.

D. 通知方式提名程序通知
The District shall provide public notice to individuals and organizations that may reasonably be interested in serving on the special Education Advisory and Advocacy Council. 通知应包括以下活动:

  1. 地区的网站
  2. Direct written notice to active community organizations which may have an interest in participation
  3. Direct written notice to all Parent Student Teacher Associations at all school sites
  4. 直接以书面通知所有残疾学生的家长
  5. 发给全体员工的电子邮件, email to key communicators (Staff email will include a note asking faculty and staff to nominate parents that have expressed general concerns about special education services in 正规买足球的App, with an emphasis on those who have not historically been actively represented in District decision-making processes. These include parents/families of differing gender, ethnicity, race, age and geographic locations.)
  6. 向所有新闻媒体发布新闻,包括社区和民族报纸
  7. 社区中心的帖子
  8. 公共诊所和住房的职位
  9. 张贴在公共图书馆和社区中心

E. 考虑和努力的讨论

Members will be selected and appointed in accordance with School Board Policy F 08.00及随附的程序f08.01.

F. 委员会的任期和任期

  1. SEAAC is established as a standing committee unless otherwise dissolved by the Superintendent.
  2. 任期为一个日历年(9月1日至8月31日).


A. Staffing

  1. The 特殊教育 Advisory and Advocacy Council will operate fully on the work of its members and volunteers
  2. School District resources may be used for the following activities at the discretion of the 助理教与学总监

B. 取向

  1. An orientation session will be held to begin the work of the newly-appointed council, 此后每年对所有新的理事会成员.

C. 责任

  1. Council Members will be expected to attend monthly meetings (dates and times to be decided) and initial orientation training.