





当哥伦布于1492年到达巴哈马群岛时, and when Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot in English) landed on the mainland of North America in 1497, 他们到达了一片辽阔的土地, but also in an equally vast and varied cultural landscape that had been evolving for ten millennia.

The earliest verified archaeological evidence of the settlement of North America comes from two distinct sites, 一个在宾夕法尼亚州,一个在智利. Meadowcroft Rockshelter, 在匹兹堡西南35英里处, was used continuously for centuries but was abandoned by Indians around the time of the Revolutionary War. 业余考古学家, 阿尔伯特·米勒, 20世纪50年代,第一次在土拨鼠的洞穴里发现了文物, but it wasn’t until the 1970s that the site was properly excavated by a team from the University of Pittsburgh. 他们发现的是人类居住的完整记录,可以追溯到19000年前. 工具、骨头、营地和个人物品都被发现了. 已确定存在149种动物, 还有早期种植南瓜的证据, 玉米, 和豆类.

智利的Monte Verde遗址, 也是在20世纪70年代出土的, is a rare find: a relatively complete village that was inundated by rising 水 in a peat bog shortly after it was inhabited and therefore was held in a kind of anaerobic amber. 和梅多克罗夫特遗址一样,Monte Verde遗址的历史可以追溯到19000年前. Together the sites are important and do more than help us understand how and when North America was settled; they also show that there were people in North America well before the Bering land bridge formed about 10,1000年前, throwing into dispute the theory that North America was settled primarily by Asiatic wanderers over the bridge. 关于我们自己起源的印第安故事几乎都声称我们是在自己的故乡诞生的.

考古学正在努力解释的问题是:北美是何时以及如何定居下来的? 第一批人类是在一万年前越过大陆桥的吗? 或者是3万年前海平面再次上升之前形成的陆桥? 早些时候从亚洲乘船来的? 来自北欧? 以上都是? 人类真的有多个起源吗?正在进行的基因研究正在迅速回答这些问题. This research suggests that prehistoric Indians share a lot of DNA with Asian populations and, 令人惊讶的是, 也有欧洲人口. It is quite likely that Europeans migrated into far eastern Asia and mingled with the populations there and that their descendants crossed over to the New World between 30,000和20,1000年前. 但这都是关于移民的科学,而不是民族的历史.

Most Indians do not see themselves as merely the first in a long series of arrivals to North America; they see themselves as indigenous. 对部落土著的信仰对于理解现代印度的现实是至关重要的. The rhetorical stance that Indians are merely one group of travelers with no greater stake than any other clashes with Indians’ cultural understanding that we have always been here and that our control over our place in this world—not to mention our control over the narrative and history of that place—has been deeply and unjustly eroded.

(大卫的忠诚.《正规买足球的App》. Riverhead Books, 2019.)

时间的关键概念, 连续性, (史密森尼美洲印第安人国家博物馆)

Many American Indian communities have creation stories that specify their origins in the Western Hemisphere.

美洲印第安人已经在西半球生活了至少15000 - 20000年.

西半球充满了多样性, 成熟的, 以及数千年来相互影响的复杂社会.

美国印第安人的历史不是单一的,也不是永恒的. 美洲印第安人的文化一直在适应和改变环境, 经济, 社会, 还有其他因素. 美洲印第安人的文化和人民完全融入了现代世界.


与欧洲人的接触导致了毁灭性的生命损失, 打破传统, 美国印第安人失去了大量的土地.

Hearing and understanding American Indian history from Indian perspectives provides an important point of view to the discussion of history and cultures in the Americas.


土著人在美洲的历史上扮演了重要的角色. Many of these historically important events and developments in the Americas shaped the modern world.

Providing an American Indian context to history makes for a greater understanding of world history.


“自古以来”这句话在印度很常见. “从第一缕晨光开始”, “自古以来,和其他类似的术语同义使用. Consider putting the phrase “Since time immemorial” at the beginning of any timelines or displays you use.

Native Nations of the United States are not considered “ethnic groups” and so are separate from ethnic studies in many academic arenas, 包括华盛顿大学. They are sovereign native nations with a unique government-to- government relationship with local, 状态, 联邦政府.  没有一个美国族群拥有这种地位. The 状态 of 华盛顿 makes this clear in its adoption of ethnic studies under the Substitute Senate Bill 5023 Section 5: “The legislature intends that nothing in this act supersedes the use of the Since Time Immemorial: Tribal sovereignty in 华盛顿 状态 curriculum, 根据RCW 28A的要求发展.320.170 (1) (b).

在提到美洲的古代历史时,避免使用“前哥伦布时期”. 相反,使用“precontact”或“precolonial”.虽然这三个术语仍然定义着基于与欧洲人接触的土著历史, 后者通常被认为更有礼貌.

挑战白令陆桥理论. 我们的教科书错误地把它当作事实或流行的理论. A lot has been discovered since 2014, the latest edition of any of our middle school history texts. 此外,这一理论在科学领域已经被证明是错误的,在此不便赘述. 关于这片土地何时、如何以及多久有人居住,有很多理论. 如果合适的话,分享不同的理论. 传统的土著信仰是土著民族是在这片土地上被创造出来的, 就像犹太教和基督教的创世故事教导他们自己的起源一样.

Avoid using “Prehistory” for two reasons: it defines history as what is written down and negates oral histories.

避免使用书面语言作为定义文明的标准. 这就排除了世界各地的土著文化和口头文化.

所有SPS计算机和笔记本电脑上都安装了Southern Lushootseed字体(Sl leSucit).

图腾柱是太平洋沿岸部落独有的.  欢迎杆是内陆海岸萨利希部落特有的. 在任何情况下,它们都是家族和领土认同的一种形式. 用硬纸卷做是一种侮辱, 身材矮小的, 而忽略了他们真正的目的.

“美洲印第安人”一词是对美国境内土著部落的法律术语.g., 印第安人事务局, 印度教育局, 尽管立法中同时使用“美洲原住民”和“美洲印第安人”. 许多西北太平洋部落使用“印第安人”一词作为他们的官方部落名.g.(图拉利普印第安人部落). The term “Native American” grew out of the 1960s and 1970s political movements and is falling out of favor within Indigenous communities. (所有的印度人都住在提皮斯吗? 第二版,史密森尼图书,2018年)

从历史上看, tribes in the Northwest had villages over vast geographic areas; there was rarely a singular territory for a singular people. The colonial “real e状态-type” boundaries was codified with the assignment of several peoples to one reservation.

教世界宗教的时候, 你可以归纳如下:自古以来, 部落的人们已经承认“造物主”是地球上所有生命的起源, 萨哈普廷语的“罪恶与Ki”, 喀斯喀特山脉以东的语系.

在部落政府中没有政教分离. 关怀他人的精神部落承诺, 这片土地, 水, 所有的生命都在哲学上推动着部落政府的决策.

正规买足球的App的印第安人教育项目也被称为Huchoosedah, a Southern Lushootseed word that translates roughly to the act of sharing or handing knowledge to someone.


  • 伯尼•白
  • 乔·德拉克鲁兹
  • 珍妮特McCloud
  • 汉克•亚当斯
  • 班纳特拉蒙纳
  • 小比利·弗兰克.
  • 汉堡王乔治
  • 大卫Sohappy
  • 还有很多其他的.

永远不要以任何理由给你的学生起“印度名字”. 命名是一种神圣的行为,而不仅仅是法定名称的分配. 命名标准因部落和地区而异.

在即将到来的本土内容上,给你确定的本土学生一个“提醒”. 和他们谈谈你对他们最重要的了解.

永远不要问血统(你有多少印度血统)?). Blood quantum is a racist construct developed by the United States federal government to decrease the number of American Indians enrolled in federally recognized tribes.

Make sure you attribute Native artists and their tribal affiliation when you use their artwork or recordings in your classroom. 故事和歌曲以及视觉艺术都是艺术家的知识产权. 以避免文化挪用的风险, 非土著教育工作者应避免将土著设计放在非土著对象上. Native artists enjoy federal protection of their creations under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990.

永远不要把部落的服饰称为“服装”.“服装是用来假装和娱乐的. 标记, 另一方面, 是部落成员在正式和仪式上穿的吗, 比赛(舞蹈比赛). 例如),以及其他具有文化或精神意义的时期.  这就是为什么印度人在万圣节的服装如此令人反感的部分原因.

避免将土著口述历史和故事称为“神话”或“传说”.“它贬低了它们的重要性.  传统信仰认为这些教义是正确的.  Calling them myths is akin to calling the Judeo-Christian creation story mythological: the validity of the belief is irrelevant; the impact is offensive.

利用当前将“精神动物”分配给自己的时尚作为一个受教育的时刻. 除了文化挪用, 它把一种模糊的准宗教行为归因于所有土著文化, 这反过来又延续了土著民族的“泛印第安”独特身份. There are dozens of published articles that explain in more detail why the practice is offensive.

当你听到一个学生提到一个通用的视觉探索时,把它当作一个教学时刻. 学生们可能没有意识到视觉任务的神圣性. 教育学生关于异象探索的深刻的宗教实践.  “The people of the Salish Sea have a deep spiritual belief system based on the vision quest and acquiring of spiritual guardians and songs throughout one’s life.  男孩和女孩为他们的第一次视觉探索准备了多年.  当他们准备好了,他们就去特别的圣地寻找他们的异象和歌曲.  在这些日子里,一个人不吃不喝, 祈祷,歌唱,还有, 如果一个人准备得当, a spiritual guide would come to them in the form of an animal or natural object and give special skills or powers, 比如狩猎或勇士的勇猛, 编篮子或编织的能力, 或者是特殊的赌博或治疗能力.  这些精神盟友被认为是守护者,一个人可以在他们的一生中获得许多.” (卡斯卡迪亚的人们, p. 118)



“我们要向普吉特海湾的萨利希人表示敬意和感谢, 过去和现在, 今天我们聚集在他们的土地上. Suquamish部落和Muckleshoot印第安部落是联邦政府承认的印第安人 大西雅图地区的部落,根据艾略特角和梅迪溪的条约.”